Sunday, August 12, 2012

Up to my knees in it.

This afternoon I went fishing at a lake nearby that I had not fished since this spring. I was just amazed at just how low the water level had become. It had dropped 3 to 4 feet since this spring.

However with the water so low, it meant more area to fish from. Since I don't have a boat I have to fish from shore. I could walk right along to shore without anything getting in my way. So that's what I did.

Some of the new shoreline is soft, as I soon found out.  Walking to a new area that I had not fished before I quickly sank up to my knees in soft mud. I'm quite lucky I could pull myself out of it.  I thought about taking some pics but I just wanted to get that stinky mud washed off as soon as possible.

I did catch a few chunky bass nothing huge but thick for their size, and one made off with one of my favorite flies.

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